Gaddis Epilogue Notes

Cold War ends abruptly
"Ordinary people" made it happen (Hungarian/Polish/German examples)
Gorbachev Foundation: what does it all mean?
Significance is different the farther away we move from the events
People make their own history
Departure from determinism - hot wars
Pre-1945, powers fought wars all the time
Post-1945, wars were between superpowers and smaller powers
Never a full-scale war between US, SU, and allies
Oppenheimer had predicted use of atomic weapons in a future major war (1946)
Technological/Intelligence breakthroughs (satellites, reconnaissance, etc.) helped get rid of major wars - no element of surprise
Only interpretation of intelligence is surprising/failing
Discrediting of dictatorships
Historical currents turned against communism, hard to stop
Orwell had predicted/feared/was correct about the way the world worked after 1984
Communism failed to deliver
Globalization of democratization - number of democracies 5x during 1950-2000
Policy choices, outperformed autocracies in raising living standards
Only democracy confers legitimacy
No trials for crimes against humanity - Pol Pot had executed 1/5 of his people, and died alone in Thailand
It could have been worse - most of us survived

Gorbachev Notes

  1. Who was Gorbachev and what were his aims?

Gorbachev was the son of agricultural mechanics, grandson of Communists (grandfather arrested for supporting Trotsky). He was involved after college with Communist Youth Organization, and became the secretary, and later the top Komsomol official, and then a delegate. He became a member of Politburo and then a deputy to Chernenko. When Chernenko died, Gorbachev took over as Secretary of the Communist Party. He had major campaigns against corruption, alcohol, and conservative members of the Party. He focused on “establishing a market economy” and changed foreign policy.

  1. Describe Gorbachev’s main policies of Glasnost and Perestroika and what were the consequences of these policies for the Soviet Union?


1986: laid out new policy of perestroika/reconstruction. He wanted to fix the economy and stagnation by increasing progress socially and economically. It was the "conference of development of democracy, socialist self-government, encouragement of initiative and creative endeavor, improved order and disciple, more glasnost, criticism and self-criticism in all spheres of our society. It is utmost respect for the individual and consideration for personal dignity."


1988: gave freedom to general public, freedom of speech. Press is controlled less by the government, and most of the political prisoners were released. By doing Glasnost, the conservaties opposing Gorbachev would be eased into his ideas, and wanted support of the SU people.

Brezhnev Notes

Domestic/Foreign Policy:
-Brezhnev Doctrine in 1968 retroactively justified SU invasion of Czechoslovakia a month earlier
-Policy meant that “limited independence of communist parties was allowed”
-No nation could exit Warsaw Pact, or try to counter communist rule
-Allowed Brezhnev to continue absolute rule over the country without question
-The Doctrine was vague enough to justify any SU action (Afghanistan, etc.)
-Several treaties followed the Doctrine
-Foreign policy (general “diplomacy”, attempts at friendliness with US, etc.)
-Brezhnev wanted NATO to adjust WWII boundaries to benefit SU/him
-Détente: signed SALT I, etc. with US to solve problems by not doing anything (agree to disagree)

Economic/Political Stagnation:

-SU takeover in Afghanistan led to stagnation
-Demands of workers, work shortages, productivity decline and other problems cause social stagnation which effects economy
-Brezhnev attempts to fix economy in 1960s/1970s a few times but no results
-Kosygin reform in 1965 was not accepted by Central Committee/Politburo
-SU has fallen behind rest of world with refusal to reform and social issues
-Gorbachev says that Brezhnev has caused the GNP/economic/political problems
-GNP is steadily decreasing and US continues to do well, Brezhnev is unhappy
-11+ 5-Year Plans to fix such problems, not effective.


-Brezhnev used Brezhnev Doctrine to vaguely justify invading Afghanistan in 1979
-The 10 year war in Afghanistan was the SU supporting Marxist/Communist government instead of options for democracy.
-Many other countries supported Islamist Resistance (against the SU), like the US and GB
-Troops withdrew 1988-1989 over 10 month period
-Considered the be the SU equivalent of Vietnam War for the US
-Entering Afghanistan made Brezhnev lose most of his international and domestic influence and strength

Gaddis Chapter 7

Section 1: Updates

-1989: George Bush inaugurated as US president. Skeptical of Gorbachev.

-Both Bush & G. don’t anticipate much.

-Khrushchev’s 1956 suppressing has regained autonomy in Soviet bloc.

-Poland is developing (Walesa free from prison, etc.)

-June election lets Solidarity win.

-G. allows SU elections. China is having political change issues (Deng Xiaoping).

-Deng orders 1989 crack-down, many die.

-Hungarian authorities take down Austrian border barbed wire.

-3,000 E. German asylum-wanters go to Prague.

-Romanian dictator meet with G. in Kremlin.

Section 2: Kohl/Gorbi/Bush

-“Gorbi, make love, not walls!”

-Berlin wall came down… Kohl was leading (W. Germany) and East Germans are demanding.

-Bush/Kohl persuade G. to accept together-Germany with NATO.

Section 3:

-G. is loved in many countries. He chose love (Machiavelli) and kept outside his country.

-Lenin had organized Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. No one thought Russia would break up.

-Baltics may secede.

-Yeltsin is not popular internationally. Bush goes to Moscow in July to sign START I.

-G. thinks things are petty.

-Yeltsin abolishes Communist party.

Gaddis Chapter 6

Section 1: Détente

-Détente collapses; freezes Cold War.

-Purpose was to establish rules, not end conflict.

-Elites do not run world. More freely elected governments than before.

-Nuclear danger diminishing. Universal standards of justice.

Section 2: SALT I & II

-Center of détente was SU/US effort to limit nuclear race. Strategic Arms Limitation Talk (1969) capped number of missiles, and made a treaty.

-This was called SALT I. SALT evaded issues (nuclear arms reduction, etc.)

-Senator Jackson starts appearing and makes a resolution for arms.

-SALT II went on for years. Jimmy Carter wanted to fix the SALT and problems.

-Brezhnev has health problems, drug usage. 1977, SU develops accurate missiles. This causes problems in the creation and signing of SALT II.

Section 3: Marxism Internationally

-1972 Moscow summit: US/SU agree to “Basic Principles”.

-SU did not prevent Israel from taking Sinai/Gaza during 1967, and SU won’t help Egypt get them back. They end relationship with SU.

-Kissinger negotiates hostilities, SU gets nothing.

-SU is committed to class struggle and is involved internationally.

-1977: Somalia (SU friend) attacks Marxist Ethiopia. SU switches sides, Carter administration is freaking out.

-1978: Afghanistan has government overthrow, Marxists in charge.

-SU considers intervention, never mind. Politburo reverses itself.

Section 4: SU

-1980: Carter withdraws SALT II. American is stuck in arguments with itself.

-Poland has problems post SU/Warsaw Pact, protests, oil falls.

-SU is incapable of efficient and important strategizing.

Section 5: Takeovers

-Deng Xiaoping is taking over from Mao, Mao was 70/30% right/wrong.

-Margaret Thatcher is taking over in GB as prime minster.

-Reagan came to power through faith/fear/self-confidence.

-Mehmet Ali Agca (Turkish) plots to kill Walesa in Rome.

-John Paul II is recovering from attack.

-1981, Politburo will not intervene. Brezhnev Doctrine ends, SU is willing to use force.

Section 6: Reagan

-1981: Reagan is attacked, survives. Pope is attacked again, survives.

-No reform in Poland. Afghanistan is bloody stalemate. Oil prices down and collapsing.

-Reagan uses religion, increases military spending.

-1983: Reagan repudiates Mutual Assured Destruction. Stability is important.

-Strategic Defense Initiative questions Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (SALT I). Reagan is committed.

Section 7:

-Gorbachev takes over for Chernenko. G. is smart and a better ruler.

-G. knows SU cannot continue. G. is flexible for once. Wants SU/US to get rid of all nuclear stuff by 2000.

-Nuclear explosion in Chernobyl, 1986.

-Reagan/G. summit in Iceland, new ideas to get rid of missiles and weaponry.

-Shultz lectures G. He is receptive, reads Shultz’s book.

Gaddis Chapter 5

Section 1: The UN

-Wilson wants the League of Nations to push legal constraints onto citizens.

-Truman wants global governance, carries Tennyson’s “Parliament of Man, Federation of World” passage.

-UN can only act when most powerful members agree. Ends up being debating society instead of helpful group.

-UN passes human rights declaration in December 1948.

Section 2: Spread of Red/CIA

-Americans confident they can beat SU.

-Italy’s election in April 1948, concerns about spread of red.

-CIA established, finances opposing parties in Italy, beat communists at polls.

-CIA grows. Kennan later regrets recommendation.

Section 3: Ethics of Espionage

-Doolittle Report wants Americans to become familiar with a SU philosophy.

-Rumors of American involvement in Iran and Guatemala.

-Shah of Iran consolidates repressive regime, US has no control.

-Ethics of espionage debates. Americans realize that their leaders lie.

-Johnson thinks Americans have to stay in Vietnam to beat Cold War. Postpones choosing between “Great Society” and Vietnam War.

Section 4: Credibility Gaps

-Nixon inherited situation, made it worse. “Without secrecy…no ending Vietman War” and other things like China, SALT. Uses secrecy to conduct foreign policy.

-Spring 1969, Nixon orders Cambodia bombing, keeps explanation secret.

-“Credibility gaps” for Johnson & Nixon.

-October 1970, Allende takes Chile. Nixon “respects”.

-June 1971, Ellsberg turns over Pentagon Papers to New York Times.

-Nixon puts together staff to fix, “Plumbers”. He resigns August 1974.

Section 5: Nixon & CIA

-Nixon doesn’t believe N. Vietnamese will willingly cease-fire.

-Watergate had weakened Nixon. Passed War Powers Act to limit military deployments with no Congressional consent.

-CIA director Colby says that CIA broke its own rules about international interference.

-Chile is a problem. Military coup September 1973. US acted there like they did in Iran and Guatemala.

-Congress prohibits potential “daylight tests” failures, not justifiable to public.

Section 6: Kissinger & Nuclear Risk

-White House, Pentagon, CIA not above own laws.

-Mutual Assured Destruction, inhumane to put civilians at risk of nuclear annihilation.

-US didn’t violate human rights like SU, Mao, other Europeans did.

-Détente was to lower nuclear risk, encourage relationship with Cold War rivals, recover.

-Kissinger keeps saying that legitimacy is not justice.

-Kant wants universal justice.

-SU makes emigrants pay to leave. Kissinger protests Trade Reform Act.

Section 7: Historical Infallibility

-Khrushchev reveals that Lenin/Stalin enslaved more than liberated, SU satellites are behind US and capitalists in terms of prosperity.

-Psychological effect: people in SU defer to Marxist-Leninist doctrine publicly but do not believe or follow it.

-Communists rule from “historical infallibility” but are losing it.

-Brezhnev says SU will continue but will concede NATO’s permanence. Wants NATO/US to ratify post-WWII stuff in Europe.

-Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, July 1975.

Section 8:

-People think Ford/Kissinger abandoned human rights causes.

-Helsinki is a liability because of leaked comments. Ford concerned about condemnations by Reagan and Carter. Helsinki is a “legal and moral trap”.

-Havel goes to prison, chronicles “disillusionment with communism”.

-Wojtyla was progressively a priest, arch-bishop, cardinal, and then pope (non-italian and young!). He is Pope John Paul II.

-“We want God!”

Paper 1 & Deng

  1. Describe the struggle for power following Mao, the emergence of Deng Xiaoping and the defeat of the gang of four.
    • Deng regime sent troops into Beijing to suppress pro-democracy movements, post-Mao’s death.
    • When Mao died, his widow and the Gang of Four continued to work. Deng led the “moderates”. Gang of Four blames Deng for problems. Zhou Enlai was in power but he died, power struggle for party began. Deng was in exile, needed to stay for Hua to be in control. Deng comes back, Hua is leader but underground struggle makes Deng eventual leader.
    • Moderates take over eventually, under Hua Guofeng and then Deng. Deng uses friends to get power & works behind the scenes.
    • Deng resigned in 1989 but is still a power.
  2. Describe some of the economic policies and Four Modernizations for China under Deng.
    • Four Modernizations to fix China, post-Cultural Revolution and other problems by Mao (4M: agricultural, industrial, technological, national defense). All of these had been destroyed by China’s history and were necessary to remain somewhat of a power.
    • Deng brought some capitalism in (instead of sticking to just communism).
    • Deng got rid of shared land (family communes) “responsibility system” & incentives (not communism!) to get work done, using production teams and shared land.
    • All based around weakening central planning, introducing material incentives, and pricing policies.
  3. What were the political changes and limits under Deng and how did these culminate in the Tiananmen Square conflict in 1989?
    • Foreign policy changes (Sino-Soviet/American/Japanese)
    • Deng tries to get rid of corrupt position-holders with education and salaries but ultimately this program collapses.
    • Encourages demonstrations but does not follow through & protesters are arrested. Everyone is angry. Revolts occur later when possible.
    • Public collected at Tiananmen to mourn Yaobang but it becomes a riot, and the army later attacks (famous photo).